Thursday, September 20, 2012


            For this assignment I have chosen a Mario toy and the possibilities I could imagine is it flying through the air as I throw it, bringing pleasure to a little kid with boredom. Other possibilities that could be imagined is being able to sell it for a lot of money to collectors or giving it to a cousin for a birthday present. Wonder is the ability to think outside the box and to expand our way of thinking whether it being to wonder what’s really out their beyond our universe or even as simple as wondering what is going to be for dinner. In our experiences we wonder about a lot of things, for example when I was younger, about 6 years old, I wondered what it would be like to have superpowers to fly anywhere or run as fast as lightening. I wondered about using superhero abilities in sports and how great it would br. In my experiences I expanded my mind and way of thinking when I was wondering about stuff. Also I would approach this assignment as a younger me as imagining the toy to be able to talk or fly like a toy airplane. As a 6 year old I probably would imagine possibilities of my toy being able to have a laser beam or make gold coins because it was Mario. We are less capable of imagination and wonder as we get older because we tend to mature and as we mature our minds start to see things in reality and not as a little kid thinking candy comes from the sky. Our mindset sees things and ideas more logically and less creatively, in the sense of wondering or imagination.  I think St. Gregory of Nyssa once said "Concepts create idols, only wonder knows." means that through expanding our minds we create our idols, but only through wondering can we do that because our way of thinking and our way widening our perception on things. I find this to be true in my experiences because through wondering about things I came with conclusions and able to find facts and ideas of what I like and don’t like such as food, sports and peoples personalities. In the end  we wonder about a lot of things in our lives and that wondering leads to curiosity and being able to widen your thinking.

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