Monday, November 19, 2012

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

1. How do you see the Gifts of the Holy Spirit working in your life?

The gifts of the Holy Spirit work in many ways through my life. The first piece of knowledge to know about these gifts are that they are not gifts a person can easily pray to in times of emergency, rather, these gifts are present to a person as long as he/ she remains in a position of purifying grace. These gifts help a person accomplish dedication and bring to perfection the virtues, both the theological virtues (faith, hope and charity) and the infused virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance). The main idea is that these gifts help a person to share in life and nature with God. The seven gifts are wisdom, understanding, fear of the Lord, right judgement, knowledge, courage, and reverence. The gift of wisdom and understanding work in my life through the education I receive, at McNamara, which helps open my eyes to the faith and through the outside necessities to progress. The gift of fear of the Lord applies to my life because in the life I live and the school I attend to learn my faith, I am aware of the glory and majesty of God. With this understanding of the gift I know that God is the perfection of all we desire through perfect knowledge, perfect goodness, perfect power, and perfect love. The gifts of right judgement, courage, knowledge and reverence all work in my life because the right judgment helps me to become a better person in my choice between right and wrong, courage helps me to be brave and defend my faith and awareness. Knowledge so that I can understand the gifts and their meanings as they are applied in my life and reverence to have the ability and faith in God through church, praying and learning at a Catholic school. In the end, these gifts have always been in my life and have helped me to become a better student in the faith as well as in real life through being educated.

 2. Which Gift of the Holy Spirit do you think you need the most in your life today?

            The gifts that I would need the most in my life today would be the gift of wisdom, understanding, knowledge and reverence. The reason for this is because I believe I need more wisdom and understanding of the faith and comprehend how I need to live as followers of Christ. With progression in the Holy Spirit gifts of wisdom and understanding I will not be confused by the conflicting messages in our culture about the right way to live out the faith and the capacity to love spiritual things more than material ones. Along with these gifts I need more of the gift of knowledge because with this comes the meaning of God and I would like to expand on the views of God so that it can help me be able to have a good idea in what God stands for and what he does to show his love and dedication towards us. Also through being in a Catholic school taking a religion class I am able to have a more knowledgeable approach towards God and his meaning. Lastly, I want to have more reverence or piety as the gift of the Holy Spirit because I want to be able to have a stronger faith and connection with God. To have a deep sense of respect for God and the Church as well as recognizing my  total reliance on God and that comes before God with humility, trust, and love in him. In the end, through strengthening these gifts of the Holy Spirit I am showing pride, willingness, and faithfulness towards God. I am also influencing myself through deepening my meaning of God and the church with these gifts as well as looking for a higher understanding with them.

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