Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"She Went by Gently" Answers

1.      The ability to love others as God loves us in women’s treatment towards girls is seen through the kindness and not being a judgmental character toward the girl. God doesn’t judge us and is a God of second chances. God will never shun or avoid us for our sins. Instead, God sent Jesus down to earth, so that he can have a human experience, so that we can be able to relate to him as well as saving us from our sins. The woman did not judge the young girl, and didn’t think poorly of her, even though she had sinned and made very poor decisions in her life. She soothed the young girl as well as assured her that she had nothing to worry about. This shows ways on how God is with us, through letting us know that he’s always here for us, and that there’s always another day to try again and change our mistakes for the future. These women do not show violence or anger, but instead a sense of guidance and influence towards being nice and caring. In the end, the women shows love towards others as God loved us through their kindness, compassion, caring and lovingness in situations where the girl needed a mother figure.


2.      When the woman says “I have saved him” what she means is that she washed away the baby original sins before he died allowing the baby to be able to go to heaven. The woman saved the babies spirit so that it could live eternally with God. She helped guide the baby in the direction of faith with God. The lady saved the baby through her faith and baptizing him as well as her trust in God. She says I saved him, meaning she saved him from death with her oil, and also that she “saved” him with the Baptism. When you get baptized, you get “saved” and that’s what she did to the new born baby. Baptism is our cleansing of sins and our beginning towards the church and Christian faith. In the end, that is what she does for the baby through the sacrament of baptism, she saved him from sin.


3.      The women’s journey home seemed unique and unlike a normal person her walk wasn’t very simple, instead it was very detailed. Normally, people don’t’ really notice everything they pass when  they are walking or traveling somewhere because we are too wrapped up and distracted by our own lives and interests faced . But her walk home was very descriptive, meaning that the lady noticed everything that was going on around her. There was so much detail to what was going around her, that it made the reader get a perfect visual of where she was and what she was seeing. Her words were clear and very descriptive of her journey back home. This was so that the readers could visualize what she saw and noticed. The author is trying to convey that even though the women had so much distraction in her life and what just happened that she could block all of it out and be able to notice the small things unlike normal people on her way back home.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

1. How do you see the Gifts of the Holy Spirit working in your life?

The gifts of the Holy Spirit work in many ways through my life. The first piece of knowledge to know about these gifts are that they are not gifts a person can easily pray to in times of emergency, rather, these gifts are present to a person as long as he/ she remains in a position of purifying grace. These gifts help a person accomplish dedication and bring to perfection the virtues, both the theological virtues (faith, hope and charity) and the infused virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance). The main idea is that these gifts help a person to share in life and nature with God. The seven gifts are wisdom, understanding, fear of the Lord, right judgement, knowledge, courage, and reverence. The gift of wisdom and understanding work in my life through the education I receive, at McNamara, which helps open my eyes to the faith and through the outside necessities to progress. The gift of fear of the Lord applies to my life because in the life I live and the school I attend to learn my faith, I am aware of the glory and majesty of God. With this understanding of the gift I know that God is the perfection of all we desire through perfect knowledge, perfect goodness, perfect power, and perfect love. The gifts of right judgement, courage, knowledge and reverence all work in my life because the right judgment helps me to become a better person in my choice between right and wrong, courage helps me to be brave and defend my faith and awareness. Knowledge so that I can understand the gifts and their meanings as they are applied in my life and reverence to have the ability and faith in God through church, praying and learning at a Catholic school. In the end, these gifts have always been in my life and have helped me to become a better student in the faith as well as in real life through being educated.

 2. Which Gift of the Holy Spirit do you think you need the most in your life today?

            The gifts that I would need the most in my life today would be the gift of wisdom, understanding, knowledge and reverence. The reason for this is because I believe I need more wisdom and understanding of the faith and comprehend how I need to live as followers of Christ. With progression in the Holy Spirit gifts of wisdom and understanding I will not be confused by the conflicting messages in our culture about the right way to live out the faith and the capacity to love spiritual things more than material ones. Along with these gifts I need more of the gift of knowledge because with this comes the meaning of God and I would like to expand on the views of God so that it can help me be able to have a good idea in what God stands for and what he does to show his love and dedication towards us. Also through being in a Catholic school taking a religion class I am able to have a more knowledgeable approach towards God and his meaning. Lastly, I want to have more reverence or piety as the gift of the Holy Spirit because I want to be able to have a stronger faith and connection with God. To have a deep sense of respect for God and the Church as well as recognizing my  total reliance on God and that comes before God with humility, trust, and love in him. In the end, through strengthening these gifts of the Holy Spirit I am showing pride, willingness, and faithfulness towards God. I am also influencing myself through deepening my meaning of God and the church with these gifts as well as looking for a higher understanding with them.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Are Sacraments Narrow Answers

1.      Ludwig’s problem is that he doesn’t understand the meaning of grace , impaired through the sacraments.

2.      The church is not thinking about grace when it comes to sacramentality when they don’t propose sacraments to deny God’s universal love to save us and the church doesn’t hold that un baptized people of good will denied salvation because they haven’t been baptized.

3.      The church is thinking about grace when it comes to sacramentality when they are against Christian sects who assert the damnation of people, the church is with force to sternly condemn any doctrine that limits the scope of God’s redemption to anything less than every soul created by God and they are careful to point out the salvation is essentially a relationship.

4.      God reveals and give to each individual human being his universally offered grace by the Incarnate Son of God; the church sacraments are an extension of his power and work in the world.

5.      The Christian doctrine that is the foundation for the sacraments is God’s omnipotent as well as his creation and communication, will, towards each human soul.

6.      The gobs of modern spirituality tell us that it often speaks as though God is sort of extended and will discredit himself the crudeness of matter. It also tells that to be spiritual is to be more or less ghostly and to dwell in the realm of institutions and concepts and secret mental revelations that are unknown to those who are less highly evolved.

7.      The Christian repudiation of such spiritual snobbery was declared good in the beginning of creation, but God has continued to manifest himself though it until God came into physical form of Jesus Christ, spirit, body and soul.

8.      No, in fact it was so that Jesus could rise from the dead and be resurrected so that there would be a renewal and redemption not just for our disembodied spirits. With Christ dying we are free from the bondage of decay and our soul will be able to go into heaven.

9.      Sacramental worldviews sees more than just a symbol in a sacrament because of God’s gracious power where he reveals himself through grace as the hands, breath, body, blood, spirit, soul and divinity of Christ. Also through artistic ways of poetry and paintings as well as lover imparts love through a physical kiss.

10.  What G.K. Chesterton means by what he said was the understanding between the sacramental real presence in the Eucharist and the universal grace of God through sacramentality, omnipotent, and the savior Christ who, because of him, saved us through his sacrifice and has open up heaven. Through Chesterton’s words he is reiterating everything said in this essay to emphasize the importance of God, grace and how He affects us.

11.  What grace does is allow people to see God through his symbols, know compassion, survival and access to God, and protection of a remainder to be saved, a chance in the holy place, new life, light to our eyes.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Religion Articles

"Sacraments: Introduction - Fulton Sheen"
         In this article it talked about a divine sense of humor that consisted of sacraments that are considered to be seen, tasted or touched and others which are unseen to the eyes of the flesh. What this means is that there is a relation between the two that have the physical word of God and then the spiritual implied meaning. An example is that a handshake is like a sacrament because there is something to be seen, felt, and namely, but there is something that is also mysterious and unseen the communication of friendship. The book of sacraments is written because man lives in a world that is too serious. Without faith in the spiritual, structural design can’t have symbolism. When man loses belief of the immortal soul the respect for humans decline. The two errors that mar our understanding of the natural world are to cut off entirely from Almighty God and to confound it substantially with Him. We have to look at the world more than what we can see, feel and touch, we have to see and understand the unseen and spiritual part.

 "Sacraments - Bible is Sacramental-Fulton Sheen"

            In this article it talked about how the bible is a sacrament in the way that it has a foreground and a background. The foreground are the people, cults, temples, wars, sufferings, and glories of man while the background was all pervading the presence of God as the Master, who subjects nation to judgment according to the obedience and misbehavior to moral law as well as the use of incidents for types of symbols that will reflect something that happened. The article also talks about how the word sacrament is translated in Greek means mystery and how the sacraments were also to become the effective sign of Jesus’ death. Lastly man is compared to a cow if we were only a biological organism, but we are different because we also have souls and a spiritual destiny that makes us unique.


 "Sacraments - What the Sacraments Bring to Man - Fulton Sheen"

            In this article it talks about how sacraments bring divine life or grace. This higher life which is divine is called grace because it is the free gift of God. The article goes on to mention that man lives at three different levels, the sensate, the intellectual, and the divine. The sensate represents those who deny any other reality except the pleasures that come from flesh. The intellectual level of existence is from a historian, scientist, humanist, journalist and a man who has brought to peak all of the powers of the human reason and will. Lastly the third level is grace, in which the human heart is expressed through truths that have unknown reasons.  The article also says there were two kinds of contacts, a visible contact with humanity in which Jesus’ power is communicated and an invisible contact where Jesus’ power works in miracles at a distance. The second contact is anticipation where Christ extends and communicates His power through the sacrament.


 "Sacraments-Seven Conditions of Life and Efficacy of the Sacraments-Fulton Sheen"

            In this article it talks about how in the physical or natural life requires seven conditions, but five of them refer to the person as an individual and that the other two as a member of society. The five conditions are one must be born in order to live, he must nourish himself, grow to maturity, he must have his wounds bound and healed, and if he has diseases traces of it must be driven out. The last two are he must live under government and justice in human relationship and he is called to propagate the human species. The article then talks about more conditions towards being a spiritual person and then conditions concerning visible signs and spiritual significance.

            The power and efficacy of the sacraments means that the sacraments deserve their power and efficacy from the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord. Blood is required to bring us the seven sanctification because life our blood as well as sin. Blood is considered to be the greatest symbol of sacrifice because blood is the life of man. Christ blood had an infinite value because He is a divine person.

            The article also talks about the application to the sacraments. It mentions that each of the seven channels of the sanctification of man. And how it is a sacrament by which the power of the Risen Christ is bestowed on souls by a spiritual and effective contact. The article also says that the blood of Christ applied at different moments of life can result in a different kind of power. Lastly the blood of Christ and its merits flood in upon the soul and depends on the one who is receiving it.

What is a Divine Sense of Humor?

What is a Divine Sense of Humor?

             The divine sense of humor is the ability to see through something. To be able to see more meaning in something that is said or even touched. A handshake or a kiss is considered something with meaning because a kiss is a symbol of love and faithfulness. While handshakes are considered a symbol of help or friendship. When the Archbishop is talking people are laughing because his words are intended more than just a material use of them, but as something more meaningful and that people can laugh to. The divine sense of humor is something that includes a physical or material use of words and objects as well as an invisible meaning that only a person with a divine sense of humor can see and understand. The invisible meaning is what makes our divine sense of humor possible because with it we have a deeper understanding of something said or about an object. An example is the word school, when someone hears this word they think of learning, test, teachers and clubs. The word school implies more than just the word, its meaning leads to several things that are all considered when you hear school. Another example is a comedian, they talk about situations in their life or in general, but the situation are suppose to be funny because what the comedian is saying has an invisible meaning intended for people to laugh. In the end, our divine sense of humor is intended for us to understand the physical and invisible meaning of life, objects, or even words.