Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ninety-Nine Names of God

When looking at the ninety-nine names of God there are four that stick out to me that I think are used a lot when God is being mentioned. They are the Compassionate, the Vanquisher, Life-Taker, and Acceptor of Repentance. The Compassionate is one of God’s feminine names because for Him to be compassionate, he cares about us, through high and low situations that we put ourselves in. God cares even if we do not know it, like a mother with her child. Through everything we do or say that can go against God or what he plans for us to accomplish, he always forgives us and is filled with love for us even during the challenging times of our lives.

            A masculine name for God is Life- Taker because no matter how much control we think we have over ourselves it is God who truly rules over use. He already knows our past, present and future as well as knows our faults before they even happen. We, as humans, may think we take control of our lives so we can make it of what we want but ultimately, God is the one who has a real control over what will happen in our lives. God has everything under control, even though some people might not believe it He cares and loves us and we will always be under his protection because He will always be with us step by step in our lives.

             Another feminine name for God is Acceptor of Repentance because He wants us to forgive each other for what we have done. He know that no human is perfect and it’s for that reason that God wants us to repent because again He shows His care and love toward us as well as our faults. All of us sin because it’s natural and as I said before no human is perfect. Nonetheless, when we sin, God wants us to come and talk to him to ask for forgiveness because he wants us to be forgiven and to move on. He is called the Acceptor of Repentance a lot of times because he is open as well as understanding to the fact that we all make mistakes and sin; talking to God and asking for repentance is big because we are accepting our faults to him and he is giving us the chance to renew ourselves, like a mother forgiving their child when they have done something wrong.

            One last masculine name for God is the Vanquisher because even though God has created life he can destroy it just the same. Meaning that God can destroy man and destroy evil as well. He has the power to do so if he finds it necessary and because of that vanquish comes off to me as very masculine when referring to God. This is because I believe that God being the Vanquisher adds to the effect of how people are to fear him and not think that God is a push over just because he forgives all of our sins.

            All four of these names are only a few of the ninety-nine names that God is mentioned as. Each of them are linked to each other because they refer to the same God. He is everything, when we need something or want to talk to someone he is there. He is compassionate, a vanquisher, a life-taker and an acceptor of repentance. God is loving towards us as well as protective. He looks after us and wants us to always better ourselves in his name. He gave us everything on this Earth and even though he is to be loved, God should be feared just the same. He rules us and controls our lives and even though he gave us free will he knows what we will do before us. We are under his protection and guidance helping us to move forward. Nobody’s perfect so when we sin, we ask God for forgiveness. However sometimes, asking for forgiveness can be hard; but still he welcomes us to do so to show his love and care he has towards his creations.

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