Wednesday, January 2, 2013

End of The World Essay

           In Vladimir Soloviev’s story The Antichrist he suggests many things towards religion. The Antichrist is suppose to be a figure like Christ, but instead is evil and corrupt. This Antichrist is contradicted evil and reigns as satins co agent in the apocalypse. Soloviev’s vision of a bright future for humanity was in the new century. He saw that under the direction and motivation towards the progression of a new religion and unity that humanity could enjoy a time where there was success, peace, honesty, and safety. Through his story, Soloviev says that the great crisis, which is the apocalypse, will strike Christianity at the end of the 20th century where he symbolizes the crisis by using the figure of the Antichrist. He suggests that the authenticity of religion is that the antichrist will be a single-minded protector for animal rights, a very good patron, a devoted and active peacekeeper as well as a potential vegan. Soloviev even includes that the antichrist will be sympathetic rather than hostile. He also suggests that the antichrist will appreciate the teachings of Christ, but will refuse to believe in the teaching that Christ is unique, as well as deny that Christ has risen and is alive today. Soloviev is saying that the antichrist will be all these good things rather than what an antichrist which is supposed to be as a partner with satin. He is suggesting that the authenticity of religion is the strength in Christianity as well as the unity of humanity that symbolizes a true religion. The "power of the world" seeks to corrupt it through constant warfare and unresolved peace between nations. Without peace and unity of humanity religion becomes another reason to fight on which one is more authentic. In reality, all religions are the same because they all have a God present that represents or signifies the one true God.

         The dictatorship of relativism is the way where people who strongly dislike Christianity will try and drive Christians from the public square, meaning that they will try and stop them from preaching publically and being open to their religion. This dictatorship, like most, will probably lead to violent persecutions towards those who will not abide by or cooperate to illegal rule. Modern problems of the "dictatorship of relativism" are similar to the story of The Antichrist because modern problems today dictate the appropriate religion as well as certain aspects such as marriage or identity. In Britain they are starting to experience a dictatorship of relativism in the traditional English identity and how now, the Guardians think things are changing. Many of the people are now not identifying themselves as Christians and this has taken a big decline over the last 10 years as well as the number of people that are getting married. Christianity is not on the point of extinction or termination, but just has taken a great fall in the number of Christians. Modern problems of dictatorship of relativism can relate to the story because the story was meant to tell about the twentieth century and how the end of the world was going to happen with all the corrupt powers and dictatorship over people. The story shows that there is no unity of humanity and the constant greed of power between nations that leads to the end of the world. The two relate in the manner of dictatorship of relativism because they both have signs of the suppression of Christianity.


          Relativism is a theory, particularly in ethics, that starts from truth and moral values that are not complete, but are related to the persons or groups holding them. This can pose many challenges to the modern world because they can be correct or they can be false. These kinds of theories can also prepare people for something that may not be true. For example the Mayans predicted that on December 21, 2012 that the world was going to end, but fortunately they were wrong and we are still here. Today, humanity still lives on and the theory of the Mayans was proved to be false. How this theory affected humanity was that it made people scared and not knowing what would happen with the belief in the possibility that the Mayans were right. Movies were made based on the knowledge from the Mayans to represent the end of the world. It has posed challenges to the modern world in the belief in God and that Jesus will return to judge us as well as the challenge of understanding the truth of the Mayans. The modern world was challenged with the belief in when the end of the world would happen, how to interpret them, and the strength in faith they had for God.

          In order for hope, the modern world has to overcome their challenges, they need to be more faithful and knowledgeable with God. This is because the more in twined and interactive they are with the religion the more of an understanding they will have with God. With their new gained knowledge they will understand that everything happens for a reason, that God has a plan for us and by following his rules we will be fine. The best hope we have in the modern world is the hope in God and that what He wants is the inevitable and cannot be cheated or avoided. In the end, the modern world can not find when or how the world will end with the relativism theories because even if they may be true or false we don’t know. For that reason our faith and strength in God is what is our only hope because he is the one making the decision to end or preserve the world as well as knowing what the future holds.

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