Monday, October 29, 2012

Justification and Grace examples from The River


An example for 1987:

Mrs. Connin is going to take Harry toa a religious healing at the river with a preacher named Bevil.

An example for 1988:

Harry reflects on how he is glad that he has been able to leave his own home with this babysitter and has discovered that "he had been made by a carpenter named Jesus Christ," a name he thought was a curse because of the way it was used in his household. Mrs. Connin gave him a children's book about Jesus’ life to look at and to be able to understand.

An example for 1989:

They arrive at the river, where Bevil the preacher begins to speak. He tells the people that if they have come just to be healed and to "leave your pain in the river," then they have come for the wrong reasons and not for Jesus.

An example for 1990:

Mrs. Connin tells the preacher, Bevil, that she has brought a boy from town who has not been baptized. He dunks Harry in the water, baptizing him.

An example for1991:

Mrs. Connin calls out to the preacher saying that they need to pray for the boy's mother, who is sick. But, when Bevel asks Harry what his mother suffers from, he answers, "She has a hangover."

An example for 1992:

Then the preacher shouted, ''Listen to what I got to say, you people! There ain't but one river and that's the River of Life, made out of Jesus' Blood.  That's the river you have to lay your pain in, in the River of Faith, in the River of Life, in the River of Love, in the rich red river of Jesus' Blood, you people!''

An example 1993:

The preacher tells Harry before baptism ''You won't be the same again,'' the preacher said. “You'll count.”  Meaning he will be a part of the faith and be able to be invited and go to the Kingdom of God.


An example for 1994:

When Mrs. Connin returns to the house to drop off Harry she gets in an arugument with the boy’s mother saying “he Baptized this child this morning!''His mother sat straight up. “Well the nerve!'' she muttered.“Furthermore,'' Mrs. Connin said, ''he’s a healer and he prayed for you to be healed.'' ''Healed!'' she almost shouted.  “Healed of what for Christ's sake?'' “Of your affliction,'' Mrs. Connin said angrily. This shows justification of sinner and wicked.


An example for 1995:

            Harry leaves the house to returns to the spot where he had been baptized the day before, and goes into the river, aiming to find the Kingdom of Christ and drowns. Harry saw the tastelessness and dissatisfaction of life in the physical world compared to life with Christ and with the ignorance of a child; he left his parents to join the Father who welcomed him with open arms.


An example for 1996:

            The people come to the river for a favor to be healed of their problems and sickness like cancer or a disorder that makes an old women’s arms flap and her head wobble for thirteen years. The preacher talks about “Listen,'' he sang, “I read in Mark about an unclean man, I read in Luke about a blind man, I read in John about a dead man!  Oh you people hear! All these things he talks about are favors.

An example for 1997:

            The preacher, Bevil, doing the baptizing is participating in the life of God by curing the sick and cleansing the sinners as well as preaching the word of God as well as the Kingdom of Heaven.

An example for 1998:

When the preacher is talking to the people he tells them about these stories that the same blood that makes this River red, made that leper clean, made that blind man stares, made that dead man leap!  The people with trouble, “lay it in that River of Blood, lay it in that River of Pain, and watch it move away toward the Kingdom of Christ.''



An example for 1999:

When the preacher baptizes the boy he says “If I baptize you, you'll be able to go to the Kingdom of Christ.  You'll be washed in the river of suffering, son, and you'll go by the deep river of life.  Do you want that?'' This will heal the boy of sin and he agrees to be baptized.

An example for 2000:

            Harry gets the gift of being knowledge about Jesus and religion as well as be counted, meaning that he will be able to enter the Kingdom of God. He is also accepted into the religion once he is baptized.

An example for 2001:

             In preparation for Harry to be a part of the religion he learns about Jesus through a children’s book that Mrs. Connin gives him to look at and she takes him to the river of healing where they meet the preacher and listen to him talk before Harry agrees to be baptized.

An example for 2002:

            Throughout the story each character has the freedom of choice such as Harry lying about his name, Mr. Paradise being skeptical about the preachers miracles as well as Mrs. Connin to get Harry more involved with religion through baptism. One other example is the preacher telling people off on why they really come to the river instead of Jesus.

An example for 2003:

            Harry achieves Grace in death, since he chooses to strive for salvation rather than live in the unreligious household with his parents who are considered sinners of the story as well as people of no faith.

An example for 2004:

            When Harry goes to Mrs.Connin’s house this is where he learns religion and is informed from what he has been deprived of. The family that he sees is very religious and has good faith in Jesus as well as being a model of the Christian life and teachings. Through being baptized, having books that mention the learning and understanding Christ as well as visiting the preacher.

An example for 2005:

            When Harry is being babysat by Mrs.Connin he escapes his experience of  life and what he know to someone who is educated in the religion as well as understanding grace through faith. Harry and his family know nothing of faith and close to the end when Mrs. Connin drops Harry off she realizes this and what this boy has been robbed of. It is one of the main reasons Harry fails to understand Bevil's preaching’s and drowns himself in the River.





Monday, October 15, 2012

The Man Without a Face Movie

"The Man Without a Face" was a very good movie that showed an unexpected friendship and bond between two different people, a boy and a man.  The movie showed how a man who excommunicates himself from his town because of his looks and be alone can have so many made up stories and false rumors portraying him in a bad and scary way. While at the same time a young boy named Chuck is dealing with the problem of not getting into the boarding academy as well as the mystery of what happened to his father. They both stumble across each other when chuck accidentally leaves his books on McLeod’s property and learns he is an ex teacher. At first chuck seems to be scared and interested in the man and thought of him as repulsive and mean as well as his teaching abilities pointless, but through time they develop a friendship where the fear and disgust is gone. They develop their relationship with each other through learning and getting to know each other.

Chuck has gone through life as being considered the family “retard” where learning has become an issue especially when reminded by his older half sister. Chuck is perceived as misunderstood and dump because of the dull look on his face when he spaces out. Life hasn’t been the best for him especially because of his older half sister who shows great hatred towards him and his unknown father, that later you figure out he was addicted to alcohol and died in a mental institution. Chuck wants to go to a boarding academy to escape from his family and life with his mother and two half sisters, but his grades don’t meet the requirements for getting in.

McLeod is a guy that is a loner in the town and is also misunderstood because of his appearance and lack of communication. He is an ex-teacher who taught at an academy and has a disfigured face from a burn that was a result from a car crash. Everyone is frightened and curious about who he really is and what he does. The adults think he is a murder or has been active in crimes and the children call him hamburger face and make up scary stories about him. McLeod is scary towards children from his appearance and makes it hard to find trust in him. He is also hard to communicate with because he tends to be alone and has no one to talk to.

By fait these two crossed paths and Chuck learned to overcome his fears of McLeod appearance and be able to see the good within as well as the knowledge and kindness he has to offer. Not only does chuck overcome his fear and learn to trust McLeod, McLeod learns to trust others and to become more active again with other instead of subjecting himself toward people. Throughout this movie the two form their friendship through learning and getting to know each other and challenges of their past. McLeod can be seen as a father figure in Chuck’s life, that he is deprived of, that he needed. Also Chuck learns to see a person more than their appearance because he even says that he’s gotten to know McLeod and spend time with him that he doesn’t even see the scares on his face. Through their time spent with each other and the information taught to Chuck you see that he can trust McLeod because they have become so close in their friendship and understand each other and their problems from the outside world.

Chuck surpasses his fear and doubt that was raised by the rumors by getting to know McLeod and to bond with him through learning. Chuck saw that he was a teacher and was able to really get over his fear by having McLeod tutor him. Through their learning experience the two get to know each other and connect. When the movie starts to come to the end people start to perceive their relationship as odd and make accusations like McLeod is molesting Chuck or trying to compare McLeod’s previous pupil, who died in the car crash that he was in. it so important for McLeod that Chuck not "cheat" on the problem of using his freedom to decide on his own whether the rumors are true because Chuck should know that through their time together that no rumor that was ever said was true because they both knew the truth about each other. In the end the movie was very good and was really interesting between the boy and the man as well as their connection to each other.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What does it mean to know something?

        Knowledge is information on something particular that is either obtained by our minds or misunderstood. It is the idea that helps us understand what things are and their meaning. To know something is to be aware of and develop the idea of what it is through information or sources pertaining to a plans, proposals, or thoughts. When you know something it means you recognize what something is and the idea that portrays. A good example is the Nike logo because when you see it you know, understand, what it is as well as get the idea that it’s a company that makes shoes and athletic wear/ equipment. Just by a check mark you know that its Nikes because the industry portrays itself to the public in a way where  it markets  athletic wear/ equipment and shoes so that next time you see the symbol you recognize it because it creates in our minds an association of what the symbol means, Nike.  Also when you know something you can easily relate to it. This can mean when you go out to a party without your parent’s consent and you get caught, you get in a lot of trouble and you go through different emotions and regrets. While a week later your friend gets busted for the same thing, at that moment you can relate to how he must feel and understand the regrets and emotions he’s going through. Knowing something is the feeling of I recognize, understand what’s that symbol means or I am aware of the situation you’re in because I can relate to a similar one. To know is to experience what you have learned through life and the understanding of what you have yet to learn or be familiar with.